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5th Annual 3M RISE Symposium

3M logo in red, "Science Applied to Life." TM

February 1, 2024

The 5th annual 3M RISE Symposium (Raising Influence in Science and Engineering) is accepting applications!

The purpose of the symposium is to introduce emerging underrepresented doctoral students in science and engineering to the wide range of rewarding careers in research and development at 3M.

This is a virtual event that will be hosted August 19th-21st, 2024 and is a great way for future STEM leaders to get introduced to the corporate world.

Ideal applicants are expected to complete their graduate degree appointment within 24 months of the RISE event. We will accept applicants from any STEM field. Attached is a flyer describing the symposium. The RISE Symposium application deadline is May 1st, 2024.

RISE Application: 3M RISE Application

RISE Website: 3M RISE Website


This year we also have an additional opportunity for students who are applying to the RISE symposium to sign up for a Resume and Research Statement Workshop. This workshop aims to help students avoid common mistakes that we see in resumes and answer any questions they may have about research statements, before they apply to RISE. The deadline to sign up for the workshop is March 18th.

Please forward this opportunity to the students you have already connected to the 3M RISE symposium. Those that are interested can sign up here: RISE Resume & Res Statement Workshop Sign Up